Rally Thursday 3/20 at noon, Walnut and 34th St.: Penn must not obey in advance

Today, executive orders and federal funding cuts are threatening life-saving research at Penn; the principles of racial justice, equity, accessibility, and nondiscrimination that are necessary to higher education for the public good; and the rights of faculty, staff, and students, including those who are international or noncitizens, people of color, and trans and LGBTQ+.

On Thursday, March 20 at noon at 34th and Walnut, join Penn employees, students, community members, and elected officials to send a message: Penn must not obey in advance! The Penn administration must uphold research, sanctuary, DEIA, nondiscrimination, and the rights of all members of our community. RSVP here to attend!

This demonstration is co-sponsored by 6+ Penn labor organizations representing faculty, medical residents, graduate workers, postdocs, museum workers, and library workers.  For more on our coalition and goals, read our recent op-ed. If you work at Penn, sign the coalition petition in support of these principles.
RSVP here to attend, and spread the word!